Healthy Mindset Miracles

Ep.006 - Maria Miller on Healing, Forgiveness, and Psychic Abilities

β€’ Tanisha β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 6

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Ever been tormented by a bully? Our guest today, Maria Miller, a Theta Healing Certified of Science, takes us on an intimate journey through her childhood, where she was a victim of bullying from her older sister. Maria bravely invites us into her past and shares how she found the strength to forgive and heal. This episode is a testament to her resilience and the power of letting go, offering a fresh perspective on how to confront bullies and maintain tranquility in challenging situations.

Maria's story doesn't stop at overcoming bullying. She also delves into her psychic abilities, her encounters with apparitions, and how she coached her nephew through his psychic journey. We traverse the fascinating world of Theta Healing, as Maria shares her passion for teaching others this powerful technique. From clearing homes of negative energy to diving into tarot card reading and runes, Maria's life work is truly riveting. Her healing extends to four-legged friends too, and you can't miss the story of how this led her to conquer her fear of dogs.

As we progress in our conversation with Maria, we uncover the importance of embracing your quirks and the role of self-acceptance in healing. She opens up about her personal journey and mission to aid others in their healing process. We touch upon her work in pet healing, tarot card readings, and her variety of classes and events available through her website, House of Kellencom. Every minute of this episode is packed with inspiration, motivation, and a potential challenge to your perceptions. Maria's journey and insights are sure to resonate with many, regardless of whether you've been through a similar experience.

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Stay tuned for more episodes where we continue to explore the path to healing and well-being. Until we meet again, may you discover a healthy mindset in your life. 🌟

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Speaker 1:

Alright, so welcome everyone. I would like you to meet Maria Miller. She is Theta Healing Certified of Science. She is passionate about teaching and doing one on one sessions. She also has been seeing ghosts since a near death experience under the age of three, so we'll talk about that. That's quite intriguing and has been a tarot card reader and ruins reader for over 25 years. More recently, she has discovered a knack of healing pets and loves doing pet sessions.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that. You know what. It's so funny, marie, that you say that? Because I have my pet, ziggy. This is Ziggy. She's 12 years old and she's starting to get into that geriatric type of lifestyle right now where she's stinky but she does really well. She's going to be 13 in April and we just love her. We've had her for a couple years now. Oh, so hold on, we've got another show, that star show. Hold on, he's taking my mic. Hold on, hold on. What oh he wants to say? Hi, jake. Jake is almost three. He's giving me kisses. He loves to lick. We always have to tell him no, licky, licky, but he is a silky terrier. But he's been trained as a service pet to help me with some challenges that I was having that I no longer have because I claim victory over those things. But so, marie, welcome. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast. I'm excited about this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I've been looking forward to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely so. We talked about you had to remind me, but we did talk about a little bit about your past. So we'll start with that real quick. And then I'm going to ask you some questions about the theta healing and the tarot card readings because, like me, I'm very new to these things and my listeners are too, so I'm certain they're intrigued to know more about this. But let's start way back when, when you were younger. So you were bullied as a child, correct? How old were?

Speaker 2:

you. I don't even know when it started, because it was my older sister at first, and then it was like three or four different girls at school. I actually think some of us started in kindergarten, but that was almost a friendly style, but then it got more intense as I got older. Like there was these kids who would draw pictures of me being fed to sharks and I draw pictures of something more horrible going back at them. So that was kind of like a game, but then it just kept getting more intense as school went on. Oh, wow, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So how many years did you have to go through that bullying aspect? So you did say it was your older sister. So it's really rough when it is your family members that are doing it, especially a sibling that you're supposed to be best friends with. But this was your older sister. That was causing a lot of anguish in your life. So how long did this go on for?

Speaker 2:

With my older sister, went all the way until she moved out and went to college Wow, with the girls at school. It stopped once I moved to Ohio, so that stayed in Iowa, but continued with my sister. So that was about eighth grade is when I stopped getting bullied by other kids at school.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and today, of course, you're much older. Today Do you and your sister? Have you been able to mend that relationship? Do you talk with her?

Speaker 2:

To a degree, we've met it because I've always wanted her to be a sister to me, but I've also given up on her being the kind of sister that I want.

Speaker 1:

Ah. So getting rid of those expectations, of what you expected, but accepting the way things are and just loving her for who she is and forgiving the things that has happened in the past. Is that what I'm hearing?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pretty much. It helps that she gave birth to my favorite nephew on my birthday, and so at least I had a reason to talk to her during some of the rougher years when I was still working on the forgiveness aspect. Because I want to see this kid, because he's amazing. He's also psychic in some of the same ways that I am, so I want to be there for him. Yeah, how old is he now? Oh, he's 18.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow. So is he exploring his psychic abilities just like you have. No, once high school hit, he stopped caring about those things for a minute, which is kind of normal.

Speaker 2:

So I expect to give him about two more years and he'll be interested again. But he started seeing ghosts when he was about five and my sister called me and just put me on the phone with him to help coach him through what to do about it. Oh wow, that's so crazy. So there's quite a few stories that we can definitely talk about.

Speaker 1:

Let's go back into the bullying aspect. When you were bullied as a child, how did you handle those in an emotional aspect? Were you able to try to stay strong? Or what kind of advice can you give to some of our listeners that have experienced that?

Speaker 2:

Luckily with most of the girls at school, I literally didn't understand what they were talking about half the time when they bullied me. It just literally didn't make sense. So I would actually like come back at them a lot, but we were able to do that. So I would actually like come back at them a lot. But what I've learned is it's actually better to give them the cold shoulder, like, honestly, if you don't react, if you don't give them anything, any reaction back, because that's really what they're looking for. And I would let them get under my skin because I was annoyed because what they were saying was illogical to me.

Speaker 1:

So when you don't give them what they're looking for, the reaction, then they kind of just get bored with what they're doing, right, they just quit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pretty much Eventually. It takes a while, though, because they're going to keep trying until they get it. But yeah, because even if you're not verbally there, part of it is holding your energy correct. I would actually advise learning different breathing techniques just to also keep your body language calm, because these will ever, I believe everyone's psychic and bullies are. They're looking for some sort of reaction. So the more loose you can keep your shoulders and the more relaxed, the less energy you're going to feed them.

Speaker 1:

I like that because I was bullied as a child. My name was the biggest thing because my name's Tanisha and they used to call me all kinds of names similar to that. We talked about this in another podcast or episode two how those that bully there are obviously something going on in their life cause them to bully. It's really sad to think that way or to think of those that are hurtful. The podcast that we did when we talked about it, she was actually the bullier, the one that did the bullying. I don't even know if bullier was the word or a word and make up words as we go, but hey, but she was the one that did the bullying and she's so remorseful of that today and she talks about that in the podcast and I think about those that had bullied me when I was younger and I wonder where they are today.

Speaker 1:

Have they been able to make a change in their life? Is their life better? I forgive them because when you forgive somebody and you just let it go, it actually is healing you from that past and not holding on to that victim status. I don't want to be a victim anymore. I'm not going to continue to be a victim of that past and I'm going to be victorious over it. So let's go in into the Theta healing. I hope I said that right. Tell us a little bit about what that is and how you came about doing Theta healing.

Speaker 2:

Theta healing is a newer modality, but in some sense it's just helping us remember the magic that we have within. So we're trying to tap into how we used to be as humans, with these different healing abilities. But it was developed by Vianna Stiball, who had gotten cancer in her leg and cured it literally just by going up and seeing the tumor go away, and so it's based on the premise that your bodies are simply a reflection of your belief system, so we help you find out what belief you had when you were three that is making you sick now, or what belief is in your ancestry or the conscious collective. And I actually found it because I was trying to find a way to cure my migraines, because I'm allergic to a lot of modern medicine.

Speaker 2:

I have like a ridiculously long list of medical allergies so I'm like and I also just didn't want to take a pill and and dole it. I wanted to actually find a way to cure it or heal it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I just stumbled upon a Theta healing practitioner and within three months all my migraines were gone. Oh, that's wonderful.

Speaker 1:

So I know my husband and I have talked about this. My husband reminds me of it all the time. If there's something that's alien us, let's say a headache or stomach ache or something to that manner. We don't like medication either. We try to do everything naturally, and so he reminds me. Just imagine your body healing. Imagine that it's doing what it's supposed to do. What a lot of people don't realize is that our body is so magical, Like our bodies do heal itself. We just got to give it the mindset to do so. We have to also like go within ourselves. We talked about that earlier as well. Going inside ourselves and really visualizing these things happening Is that the Theta healing is about? As like visualizing your veins and your blood flow and things like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the first step. The first step is you do a simple healing. You go up and you visualize it as perfect and completely healed the body without the illness and if that doesn't work, then you go deeper to figure out what in your subconscious is blocking you from receiving a healing.

Speaker 1:

I love that. That is amazing and I know that works because I've done it for myself. I was having some challenges and I was. I totally did not want to do any kind of medicine of any sort. I wanted to make sure that I could do with this naturally and when you just be still, I was just being still and imagining these things. If my body healing and before I knew it I was healed Mine was gallbladder, I felt like my gallbladder was sluggish and of course, I did change my diet. It does take some putting good things in so good things come out. So changing my diet and visualizing my body healing and it did it healed. I no longer have any challenges at all anymore and it's a beautiful, freeing feeling and then I love that. I love that. Okay, so let's go a little bit further. So let's talk a little bit about your past, when you said you were seeing ghosts at a young age. Can you give us an example of what you saw and when that happened?

Speaker 2:

What's funny is some of the ghosts I didn't even realize were ghosts like my grandma Elizabeth, who I talked to all the time. I have these, this slew of memories of her, but she was also skinny in these memories, which is important because I was talking to my mom later on. Oh, I just remember all the great times I had with grandma Elizabeth and like how beautiful, how thin she was and my mom looked at me. She's like A Marie she was already dead by then and B she was not skinny at the end of her life. So I was seeing her the way that she wanted to be seen. I just played with her constantly as a little girl.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow. So where were you? Are you in your bedroom? Were you just anywhere in the house?

Speaker 2:

It was usually when, like we were off, it was all over the place, but usually off to the side when we were away from the other people.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, and do you remember those interactions? I do, I remember them very clearly. Okay, can you explain what kind of interactions did you have? You were sitting down, where did you just come up and sit next to you and talk to you, or how did that interaction?

Speaker 2:

happen. I would sit down and she would come up and kind of bend over and offer me sweets and things, as that was her thing, but we would just talk and play, cause I was, like I said, I was really little and then as I got older, going around town, I don't know, I would just see different ghosts and but I wouldn't think anything of them. And when I would say something to my mom about it she's go oh, okay, and kind of leave slight, you know, slide out of the room, cause internally was going with her, was like Holy ship Shwana Marie's, like me. I don't know what to do about it. How do I guide her, cause she didn't want to freak out and freak me out and have me having to be a negative thing for me.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So I've heard of many people. Of course, we know that there's mediums out there and there are many people who have interaction with past ghost and and people in their lives. And I knew at times my grandfather was oh, I'm going to try not to cry. My grandfather was my life and he raised me, and he wasn't even my biological grandfather, he was actually my I guess you'd call a step-grandfather. My grandmother married him after I was two, but he was everything to me and the day he passed away this is crazy a story Our entire family was in hospice and we were out on the back porch and my grandfather was.

Speaker 1:

We were waiting just for the moment and all of a sudden the TV above me flickered. It was off but it flickered and we were like whoa, and did you guys see that? That was I the only one that saw that? But no, everybody saw it. And then my aunt says I'm going to go check on grandpa. So she went into the room, she checked on, she called me and she's like you need to get in here now.

Speaker 1:

And as soon as I walked in, he took his last breath.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I laid on him for like I don't know, I don't even know how much time 20 minutes just crying, because I knew he was out of pain and I knew he wasn't suffering anymore, but I didn't want him to go. I still miss him to this day. But one thing that I do have, which continues to happen often, is I feel him around me all the time.

Speaker 1:

And I have dreams of him all the time, like I'll dream of being in the house with him or we'll be talking about a deep conversation, about something going on in my life in this moment, but he'll tell me things that I need to hear, just letting me know that he's with me or he's proud of me, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

And I cherish those dreams. I cherish those moments of feeling him because I miss him so much, like there's times where I would love to hear his voice again and I know that's not possible unless I go find some kind of recording of some sort. But back at those times they didn't have recordings or we just didn't record him. But those are just moments that I cherish, and I know that there are listeners that probably feel the same way about somebody that they've lost or that they feel their spirits. So do you, in your experience and your expertise, obviously, because you see these ghosts and do you feel like these loved ones. Do you hang around those that they love, at times for long periods of times, like your grandmother did. Is this normal?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it actually is, and there's a few things that happen. So usually when someone passes, the first thing they do is they have like a good, what I call a goodbye tour, where they're really really easy to see for about seven days. Oh wow. Then they pass over, but the place that they go to is outside of time, which is really cool, because the place that we're on afterwards, like I said, is outside of time, which means everyone's there, which means you can actually go and contact anyone, even if they've reincarnated, even if they've moved on. Does that make sense?

Speaker 1:

It does so when they reincarnate and move on. Do you lose contact? Have you lost contact in your grandmother? No, you don't.

Speaker 2:

It's like I said they're in a place that's outside of time, so for them it could be five minutes, but for us it's a lifetime OK.

Speaker 1:

OK, right, so I'm trying to grasp that.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, it's pretty amazing once you get the hang of it. But yeah, literally everyone is in this place. We call it the fourth plane and theta healing, but yeah, but since they're outside of time, they can pop in and out anytime they want. So my one grandmother she's grandma Elizabeth has actually passed on, or she's actually not like hanging out with me as much, but my other grandmother is along with her father in law. So I have a few OK around.

Speaker 1:

So how do you know this? Have you had conversations with these beings that you see? And they've told you these things? Because I'm just so interested. I'm like I have never had that opportunity, but I think it's amazing that somebody does. And do you know anything about your past life?

Speaker 2:

Yes, all of that. So, like I said, I've been seeing people on the other side just been a normal part of my life, my whole life. So I've spent a lot of time also nurturing that gift when I do ancestor work too, so I purposely go after and go talk to certain ones, but, like my other grandmother on the other side of the family, she's actually one of my guides. She kind of took over from her mother in law. Right, her in-laws were amazing psychics too.

Speaker 2:

So I actually because what will happen too is sometimes our ancestors will come back to us as guides, which means that they're literally always there, as opposed to some who just come in to visit. And when people are first starting to learn how to contact them, they do exactly what's happening to you. As I say, before you go to bed, just literally go into a meditative state and ask them to come to you in your dreams, because that is the easiest way for them to come through. It takes a lot of practice to see them with your eyes, like I do, because all of being a session, just see someone's grandfather standing over their shoulder if there's an important message coming through or if that's what some client requests.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I fully agree with you about the seeing them in your dreams, because I have done that and I didn't know you could do that. I didn't think it was a thing. I just was wishing and hoping and then I'd go to sleep and then there he was. So I love that was something that I just naturally did. Ok, so tell me a story of the most exciting moment that you've had in this time that you've been doing this.

Speaker 2:

Oh, when it came to ghosts and things, yes, well, it's not exciting in a happy way, but I had some really extreme ghost moments that I lived in San Diego that were kind of fun and well, interesting. And just because my capacity kept growing, I went through a phase where the universe, like you're going to get really good at dealing with ghosts, because I was also a professional ghostbuster for a while. Yeah, when I started doing theta healing it got so easy I stopped charging separately and I just folded into a session. Now, but one time I was asked to clear.

Speaker 2:

A friend of mine had bought a house and he wanted me to come clear because he had faith that I could do that and it was one of my in my early days and I just remember going into a room and he got a good price on it because the former owner had committed suicide. Oh, wow, like I said, it's not a happy one, but it was like it was really intense the fact that I was actually able to clear that whole house out, because it's one of the fascinating things about haunted places is, unless it's that situation where it's a suicide, you're actually going to get more intense feelings from teenagers who live in a house.

Speaker 2:

Oh wow, with that exception, the room that he passed in that room was a lot of intense and took a lot of work, even and it still would even with theta healing, just because there was a lot to clean up, because it's basically like it was a moment frozen in time with a lot of intense pain, as you can imagine, but the rest of the house was basically filled with all the teenage angst. There's something that happens where, if you have a lot of emotions, it'll actually literally seep into the wall.

Speaker 2:

So a lot of what people receive as ghost activity in houses is actually just stuck energy from people going through something.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that is quite interesting, so he'll. So you went through, you cleared the house and after you did that, after you cleared it, he didn't have any more issues or didn't feel anything else more in that house. That will happen.

Speaker 2:

And there was a room that could be used again, because it was like there was energy that was stopping you from even going into the room.

Speaker 1:

So recently my daughter she moved in with my best friend actually, and the room that she was supposed to be staying in had like this when you walked in there, you felt this like heavy presence in there. It's just the craziest feeling, like you can definitely feel something was there. But the minute that my daughter started moving her stuff in, it disappeared. Like the whole feeling of the entire house was gone. The house felt heavy. It felt like there was just something lingering in there that wasn't happy, it wasn't, it was just and it wasn't angry, it was just there and you could feel it.

Speaker 1:

And then, as soon as my daughter moved in as my daughter is this bright, sunny, just beautiful being she's so amazing, everybody just loves her and she's you just want you just gravitate towards her because of her light, who she is. And so as soon as she moved in, I walked back into the house like the next day and I'm like whoa, like the whole house, not just her room, the entire house felt like a breath of fresh air. It was so airy, so beautiful. You saw it at a different light. It was just amazing. And my daughter even said that the first night that she was there she felt like something was trying to attack her.

Speaker 1:

But, she, you know, told it to go away and then never come back. And it did, it went away and it never came back, and now it's just peace and happiness there. And I think a lot of people don't realize that when you go into a home, a building or around, even just getting around, somebody, a person, you can feel their aura or you could feel the negativity in the room, or the tension, as people would call it. It's tension that you feel. You can actually make it go away. And so explain, marie, from your words how would you make that go away?

Speaker 2:

Just simple, I mean honestly connect to your source of power, because everyone we're most people, not everyone. They're atheists, but most of us have some sort of a higher power and you just connect to that and say you don't belong here, Go to wherever you need to go next. Very simple. The trick is really understanding that you have the power to do this.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, Because when you underestimate their power, don't you?

Speaker 2:

They really do, they really do, and that's all the work that I do. Everything is always, on some level, trying to empower my client, even if it doesn't look like it.

Speaker 1:

So tell us a little bit about your work. You have a website, and do you have a podcast?

Speaker 2:

I do so my podcast it's. It goes in different directions. It's a little bit out there, I know, even though it feels like I'm already out there. My podcast is let's Get Weird Together. So it's about all the real extremes around healing people who go to extreme lengths to heal, whether it's through delving into different aspects of sexuality, going like I interviewed a wish doctor, so sort of the extremes even in my work. And we also talk about religion and religious trauma and the impact that it has on people, so very interesting.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to have to start listening to yours as well. Pretty fun, sounds like it's fun.

Speaker 2:

And the work that I do. So as a theta healing practitioner, a lot of what I do is I help people heal trauma. I work with people who don't remember any of their childhood, but we're still able to release everything and heal. I spend a lot of time helping people recover from bad relationships, because because of my sister, I actually had the whole series of horrible relationships that I was able actually to heal and move on and find a really kind soulmate. Yeah and so. And then I also love teaching I'm super passionate about because when people learn how to do theta healing, they can heal themselves. Only about 20 percent of my students actually go on to become actual theta healing practitioners, so that means a lot of people are coming there and taking these classes just to heal themselves, which is really beautiful.

Speaker 1:

I love that. So this is all on your website, correct, where they can schedule with you, they can see your information. Ok, what's the name of your website?

Speaker 2:

It is house of Kellencom and that is spelled K-E-L-L-E-N. Ok, and that, yep, and that's named after the one great grandmother who was my guide for most of my life.

Speaker 1:

So people can go to your website, the house of Kellencom, and they can set up a session with you if they want to do. And do you do these sessions on Zoom, or what kind of platform do you use?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mostly do them over Zoom. I'm located in Columbus Ohio. If people are nearby we can set something up, but it's 90. Yeah, it's pretty much on.

Speaker 1:

Zoom. That's awesome, and so when you do Zoom sessions, can you do like your tarot card readings and can you do like the healing and also do the medium work that you do.

Speaker 2:

Can you do all of that through Zoom as well, Absolutely A lot changed during the pandemic putting us online, but I was doing phone sessions for years before that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, ok. So yeah, that's wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I love, absolutely love this. I love the things that you have learned from obviously going through the traumas of childhood and then, in adulthood, you've been able to hone in on your purpose of life and embracing your spiritual being, embracing your gifts that you've been giving, and now you're sharing them with others and being able to help others heal and to see things that they wouldn't normally be able to see on their own. Now, how did you get into tarot, card reading and what is runes?

Speaker 2:

So runes are minor, made out of oak, but they're symbols. Most people associate them with the Vikings because that's who use them last. It's an alphabet. It's also a divination system. It's got 25 different characters and so they were started by the two towns or ancient, ancient Germany. So they actually go back really, really far and you use some sort of tarot to look into the, look into someone's future, see what's going on. I don't spend a lot of time on people's future and want to know what's present right now so we can change it. Yeah, and so that's pretty amazing. I actually got into both of those because I apprenticed to Shaman when I was in college for about two years and that was just part of my training, and I didn't continue training with that Shaman because we were, ideologically, we're not perfectly aligned, but it was great training.

Speaker 1:

That is awesome. Do you enjoy doing the tarot card readings and the ruins the most, or do you enjoy doing beta healing?

Speaker 2:

Oh, it just depends. Like a great beta healing, you get to go really deep and like really dig into and heal some real stuff. But a lot of times it's fun to just relax into a tarot card reading.

Speaker 1:

So they have both have your different purposes of what you like to do.

Speaker 2:

It's good to balance out the schedule with, like, a few heavy sessions and then to do a pet healing session or tarot reading, just so you're not in the heavy energy all the time.

Speaker 1:

How did you get into the pet healing Cause that is so interesting?

Speaker 2:

That's another. That was a whole nother thing of someone having faith in me. I had this gig when I lived in San Francisco, where I would read for this huge festival every month. I don't want to find regular clients, and this was doing tarot Email me in the middle of the night. It's like Marie, you have to help me, my dog is sick, I don't know what to do. Can you talk to her? And I'm like I don't know, but I'll try.

Speaker 2:

So I went up and connected. I got this, had this beautiful session with this dog, got this information. Pretty much the information that we needed was to like don't bother taking me to the vet, I'm going to pass on my own, just snuggle me and I'll be fine. And so I gave my client that information. That's exactly what happened. They didn't need to be any sort of fury of that or anything.

Speaker 2:

And then every time this person fostered a dog, I just kept doing it and then I just kept working with more and more people and it was actually really healing, because before this happened, I was actually afraid of dogs. Oh, I used to do door door sales and so I've been bit several times and so I developed a little bit of a distrust, but that really healed my relationship with dogs and now we understand them on a deeper level and they get to talk to them energetically, which is super fun. So do you have any animals yourself? I have a kitty. She is not here Usually, she's hanging out with me when I do these things. But yeah, I've got a little smushy face cat. I've always been a cat person.

Speaker 1:

Oh, smushy face cat. I love that. I love all animals and babies. It's just I don't know. I've always been attached to them. I love them all. I told my husband if we could have a farm where I could have a billion dogs, I would totally do it, because I love animals so much. There are a lot of work. We have three. We have a blue nose pit, which is a boost we call them boosty and we have our my Jakey, that's the soki terrier, and we have Ziggy, which is the teacup men pen. I don't look at them as pets, I look at them as my children. They all have personalities of their own and definitely boosts Is like a little man. To me. He's not a dog. I don't know why people associate a pet like a person but, to me they are.

Speaker 1:

And I saw this meme the other day that said you let your pet sleep in the bed with you and it said, yeah, and if you asked me for my car, I'd let them take it too. So I laughed. I'm like, yeah, that's about right, you know do you feel that? Way about your cat.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, yeah, Like when I moved in with my husband, the first thing I said is just see, you know, cause his cats from that lot of the bedroom. You know, my cat sleeps at my feet like full stop.

Speaker 1:

I think animals and I know this is true Animals are magic little creatures. They heal people in so many ways and they are. They're so loyal, they're so loving, and the more you love on them, the more love they give back. And I was thinking you know what? And this I was just thinking this morning with Jake. Jake's always wanting my attention, always wanting to show me he loves me, even when I push him away, at times I'm like, oh, jake, don't do that or get off my stomach. He's always just there. And if people were just as loving and just as constantly loyal to their husbands or wives, their children or family, this world would be so much more pleasant, I think, if the people just acted like dogs. I may be a little crazy on that one, but it's all good. But, yeah, so do you have anything else you'd like to share about your, your website that maybe we didn't cover?

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of things on the website, so just go there and play around, cause I also do coaching. Most of my coaching is geared towards people who are psyched and sort of want to become more psychic. I always have classes going on, so there's a whole thing to like actually have a basic DNA, which is the first day to healing class happening next week, but I literally always have like events and things that I'm promoting. I'm going to be doing psychic fairs in Columbus Ohio pretty soon, okay.

Speaker 1:

That's going to be exciting. So if you're in Columbus Ohio, go see her Marie is going to be there at the fair and also go to her website. If you guys are interested in meeting with her and maybe getting a tarot card reading or do some healing with her, I highly recommend going to meet with Marie. Schedule with her, get those things done, because you will be so surprised to how life changing that can be. I look forward to moments of being able to explore her website myself and listen to her podcast, because I'm excited to hear some weird things. I think it'd be awesome. I think it'd be amazing. It'd be definitely entertaining for sure. Do you feel like your podcast is really entertaining, Marie? It really is.

Speaker 2:

I try to go places that other people aren't going and just try to excavate, like some things that are kind of out there. So, yeah, I love it, I love it, I love it.

Speaker 1:

It's definitely something. I have a trip coming up and I like to listen to podcasts and audio books. I'm going to look yours up and listen to yours while I'm traveling. So it's a six hour travel trip, so I'll have a lot to listen to, I'm sure. All right, marie. Thank you so much for coming on to Healthy Mindset Miracles. I really love this conversation. I loved getting to know you and the things that you do. You've definitely opened my mind and my eyes to all of the new healing aspects and tarot card reading, and you've taught me some things that I didn't know. I'm certain you've taught the listeners too. Do you have some closing words you'd like to say before we say goodbye to everyone?

Speaker 2:

I think just to pull it back around to the whole bullying thing, like. One of the things I decided as a kid was like if you all are going to pick on me for being weird, I may as well go full in on the weirdness and just fully own myself and just just. I kept following my heart. That's how I got to where I am. I'm like ooh, this is a cool path. I don't care what people say, I'm just going to have a blast going down this road and see what's at the end of it and accepting yourself like my husband, like he's totally okay with just not being like the masses and being on doing his own thing.

Speaker 1:

And at first, when we first got together, I was like gosh, that's, why are you doing that? I've never said that's not professional at all. But then I've learned to accept it because you know what, I love him for him and I want him to be him, and I think that's a lesson to be learned in so many ways, like if you want to love somebody or even love yourself, accept the weirdness, right, marie, just accept it. You are, accept those things. Thank you so much for coming on. I can't wait to get to know you more. I would love for you to come back on here with us and talk some more about some more stories that you have, and we'll see you again, Okay, thank you. Bye, everyone.