Healthy Mindset Miracles

Ep.005 - Navigating Anxiety: Our Personal Journeys of Overcoming and Growth with Naomi Nye

β€’ Tanisha β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 5

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Episode 003
Ever battled anxiety? Naomi and I, each with our unique personal journeys, navigate this difficult terrain in our latest discussion, sharing how it has impacted our lives and how we've learned to overcome. Growing up, Naomi found herself grappling with anxiety, an experience that has since led her to advocate for the teaching of essential life skills to teens. My journey is a tale of childhood trauma, of a toxic environment that affected my personal relationships and business decisions due to my lack of self-belief.

In this episode, we take a compelling look at our subconscious mind, core beliefs, and how they have the power to shape our life decisions and emotional responses. We share personal anecdotes on how we had to relearn to control our anxiety, how society often robs us of our power and the ways to reclaim it. I share my unique coping mechanism for anxiety during driving, and Naomi highlights her podcast, Teen Rockstar Entrepreneur, which helps people develop the skills necessary to become successful entrepreneurs.

We wrap up our conversation with practical tips on managing anxiety, personal growth, and developing a healthy mindset. Among the strategies we explore are deep breathing, self-awareness, and the power of writing down life goals. We underscore the importance of consistency, perseverance, and the power of positive influence, inviting you to join us in our journey towards personal growth and overcoming anxiety. Tune in, as we share our stories, our struggles, and our victories over anxiety.

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"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind"- Joseph Murphy (Author)

Thank you for tuning in to this empowering episode of Healthy Mindset Miracles." We hope you found inspiration and insight into the journey of redefining your mindset.

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Stay tuned for more episodes where we continue to explore the path to healing and well-being. Until we meet again, may you discover a healthy mindset in your life. 🌟

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Healthy Mindset Miracles, but it's important to be aware of potential triggers that might arise during this discussion Before we dive in. Please note that there is a disclaimer. I am not a licensed mental health therapist or a professional. While we are aimed to inspire and educate, information provided is not to replace professional advice or treatment. If you or someone you know is in need of mental health support, we strongly encourage you seeking qualified mental health professional. So I do have Naomi and I here. She is amazing. Every single time I talk to Naomi, we sit here and talk for hours, but both her and I have some incredible triumph stories over anxiety, and so we're going to talk about that today. Naomi, welcome. How are you today?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing great. Thank you for having me, looking forward to the conversation again.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Now you ventured off into the world of helping teens. Talk a little bit about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I decided to help teens. Of course, because of my personal story, I found myself at a point in life where I was self sabotaging myself to the point that I became bedridden and unable to move, and when I began studying and realizing that I felt like I had no control. But through personal development and reading neuroscience, I saw that I actually did have control. And when I started researching all of this, it kind of made me upset because I thought why aren't we teaching these things in school?

Speaker 2:

I feel like all of us suffer so much with trying to discover ourselves, develop that self awareness, the skills that we all need for life. We all need skills like communication skills, emotional and intelligence, self awareness, resilience, right to push past our fears, push past our anxiety. And that's why I got into working with youth, because I realized that there was a problem with our system and that we weren't getting the tools that we needed for life. And that's why I got into it personally, because I realized it with myself If I would have had these tools, my life would have been so much easier and I wouldn't have fallen down that dark path that some of us go through in life, right when we hit that midlife crisis and I feel like a lot of the midlife crisis that a lot of us suffer is because of that lack of self awareness and that's why I got into helping you, because I feel it's much needed and because we needed it. Personally Need to start young learning the stuff.

Speaker 1:

This is stuff that they don't teach us in school. There's no knowledge that they give us to help us go through our emotions, go through the changes, the things that we go through, other than there is a sex ed, which I'm never sure what that was about or how that actually helped, because when I was in school we did have that, those classes, but all it did was make them want to go and try what it is that they were learning. And there was a lot of teenage pregnancies. When I was younger, I myself was a teenage pregnancy. I was 16 years old when I got pregnant with my first daughter and I don't wish that on anyone because at 16 years old I had no business having a baby. Thankfully I did have family support, but it's scary.

Speaker 1:

I look at my daughters today. I want them to enjoy life, and so I've talked to them like in depth about protecting themselves and not allowing their lives to go down in that aspect of thinking that they need to have some type of emotional, physical connection with a guy until they're older, until they're ready to have an actual relationship or get married One or the other. But it's just those things are not taught properly. If you ask me, those sex ed classes were not taught properly, and they don't teach about emotions either, and so you're right. I think it's amazing that, naomi, you've taken it upon yourself to do that. Let's talk a little bit about what you experienced as a child, you know. Was it anxiety, depression? What kind of challenges did you experience? Yes, I suffered with anxiety for most of my life.

Speaker 2:

It was one of the hardest things to be able to get rid of, and a lot of us experienced that fear and some of the anxiety that I had of course had to do with the fact that when we grow up, there's a brainwashing. That happens from the beginning and we don't realize it, that there's a programming and it's natural because that's the way our brain works. For example, we grow up, we don't know how to tie our shoes, we don't know languages, we don't know how to communicate, so all of these things we're learning. This is programming.

Speaker 2:

The problem with our brain is that for our adolescents, we are in an alpha state, which this alpha state means we are in a hypnotic state, right? So of course, you are learning all these patterns. The thing is that there's no filter in our brain that says, oh, this pattern is not good for you, don't learn that one, learn this one, this one's good for you. It all goes in. So meanwhile we are learning. All these motor functions and all these abilities were also taking in the negative patterns. So if you live in a very dysfunctional home, well, guess what? You're taking that as a part of you.

Speaker 2:

So I grew up in a very dysfunctional and toxic home with where there was narcissism, there was violence, there was abuse and that was the way that I learned how to communicate. Now, naturally, I am not that kind of aggressive or toxic person, but guess what? It affected me my entire life because what I did was I avoided. I became that avoidant personality so I would avoid intimacy, I would avoid relationships and even when it came to business it started affecting me because it got to a certain point where I somehow knew I wasn't a quit and I didn't have the mindset. So I backed out a lot of good deals and a lot. I missed out on a lot of good business opportunities because I was afraid you feel inadequate, yes, and I wasn't adequate.

Speaker 2:

You know, they say that you cannot become a millionaire if you don't have a millionaire mindset, and that's exactly what happened. I did not have the mindset, I did not have the skills to be able to go after what I wanted, and so, of course, this brought a sense of insecurity and it brought feelings of self-worth in me, and so I got to a point where I was frozen. I cannot move forward, and, of course, you can't go back, and so that's where my whole journey began. Yeah, it's crazy, the things that we go through.

Speaker 1:

As a young individual for me it was. My heart rate started going up at a very young age and I just started to have problems when I was 12 years old. I remember I had a really bad headache in school and I wasn't feeling very well and I told my teacher that I needed to go see a nurse. They just started a nursing pilot program and this actually is a write-up in the newspaper. If you looked it up on the internet you could find it, which is crazy. But the nursing pilot program had just started and I wanted to go see the nurse and the teacher just told me to put my head down on my desk, so I did, and then the bell rang for our next period to go to class and I was supposed to go to gym, which we were supposed to run track that day, and instead I went to the nurses station without asking.

Speaker 1:

And when I got to the nurses station I told them I just wasn't feeling good, I had a really bad headache, and she sat down. She took my blood pressure. My blood pressure at 12 years old was 180 over 120. By the time they had me lay down and they called my mom. That's when anxiety started. That's when my heart rate started to go up at 12 years old and my mom came and she was like freaking out and she's like do you want the? They called the EMT and the EMT got there and I was embarrassed because I don't want my friends seeing the EMT take me out on a stretcher.

Speaker 1:

So they said we have to get you to the hospital and my mom. I said can I just ride with my mom? It's only a block down the road.

Speaker 1:

So my mom got me in the car we get to the hospital. By the time we got to the hospital, the anxiety was so bad that my blood pressure had raised to 210 over 180. Mind you, I was 12 years old. They had decided to do some tests. Of course, they gave me a medication to drop the blood pressure really fast and they gave me. They did some tests and they found out that my right kidney had malfunctioned and they had to remove it. So I was in the hospital for two weeks and two days and my right kidney was removed and of course they gave me all of these dos and don'ts, things that you can do, things that you can't do, things, that you eat things you can't eat, things like that.

Speaker 1:

I've lived a pretty normal life. I'm 44 years old today and I've lived a pretty normal life with only having one kidney. But it was scary. And so from that point I started to freak out about everything, like any little thing that would happen to me, any little pain that I would have, any little anything, anything that would happen if I would, if I started feeling like discomfort in my side or if whatever, I would just start to have anxiety over it and sometimes panic attacks, and it went well into my adulthood. I would. I would watch my heart, I'd put a watch on to watch my heart rate, and I think that made it worse, because I would see my heart rate to get to 114 and then I would freak out, which would then make my heart rate go up even higher, and then we would call 911 or I'd go to the hospital.

Speaker 1:

I can't tell you how many times I went to the hospital as an adult, thinking I'm having some kind of heart attack or something's wrong with me, and just to find out like they do all these blood tests. They do all I'm fine, there was. And as soon as they tell me I'm fine, I get in my car and my heart rate's 80. And I'm like, really, why do I do that to myself? And it got to a point where I've done that so many times that I finally went. I've got to do something about this. I have to change my mindset. I need to change the way I'm thinking, and so that's where the healing began for me is changing the way that I think. Where did the healing begin for you?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's a similar thing and, like I was saying, it's that lack of awareness and it creates more fear. So I was having epileptic seizures from the anxiety Literally, I would just block out and pass out and this also went well up into my 40s, and I think that it stems from that lack of self-awareness and what's going on. Like I always say this and I'm sure you understand so any product that you buy comes with a set of instructions, right? Anything you buy, no matter how stupid it is, it comes with instructions. We buy a computer, we buy a phone, we buy a laptop, we take classes for WordPerfect, we take classes for Photoshop. So what about this computer?

Speaker 2:

No one teaches us that Exactly.

Speaker 1:

So we don't know how it works.

Speaker 2:

And so this is where I feel my anxiety stem, because I didn't understand how my body works. I didn't understand that, for example, if you're going to do something that you've never done before, you're going to get very anxious, right? But there's nothing wrong with you. It doesn't mean that you're not good at it. It doesn't mean that you suck. It's just that your body needs to acclimate.

Speaker 2:

Our bodies resist change and everything that we do you have to think of it as like a highway in your brain. So, any skill you have, anything that you've learned, these narrow pathways look like little highways in your brain, and the more that you use them, it can look like a highway, it could look like a street, it could look like a dirt road. If you don't use something a lot, right. So in order to create this, it's like if we were going to build a house. It takes a lot of freaking work, right? It's the same thing when we're trying something new, because no one teaches us this.

Speaker 2:

When we're going to try it, we feel like we're dysfunctional, there's something wrong with us, we're scared and then we think, oh no. And the body? What does it try to do? It tries to protect us. Right, we have that subconscious, reptilian type of the brain that is always there and it tries to protect us right. And fear is there to help us and to keep us away from danger. So we live in this modern world and now we associate everything with fear. Everything's scary.

Speaker 1:

Well, we think fear is a bad thing.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. Or we think that, oh my God, I have this resistance, like, for example, you're young and you're trying to play a new sport or you're trying to do this really complicated calculus problem and you start feeling bad, you get anxiety, you get restlessness, this resistance, and we think, oh my God, oh my God, I'm not meant to do this, this is not for me, and we give up. That's what we have to fight. And, just like you, I had to understand oh my God, this is mindset.

Speaker 2:

I went to psychiatrists, I took pills. I got to a point that I tried to take my own life because I thought I had no control. I thought I was broken. I thought I was a broken human being that couldn't change.

Speaker 2:

And then, when I started to learn about myself really learn about myself, about how my brain works, about the human body, about how patterns are formed right, about fear, self-sabotized and I started putting it all together, that's when my anxiety started going on, because the reason why we have anxiety is because, on a subconscious level, we feel like we have no control, right, we feel like we have no power and everything in this world, in this society, is designed to take away our power, right, and so it's like a whole rebirth and I always feel like it's a rebirth of this deep programming that we have to all take an account and do for ourselves, deep program for what we've learned and now take our power back and learn about ourselves. And really that's to me what life is all about. I agree, it's about that journey, that our journey, our internal journey we're so focused on out there, no one teaches us to go inside.

Speaker 1:

Exactly that's what I was saying, like, mindset is all everything For me. I had to think about okay, if my heart rate's going up, what was I thinking about? What are my thoughts? Why would my heart rate be going up? Obviously I'm healthy. So what are the things that I can do? And I started learning go for a walk? Or actually one of the things that I did often was I would just lay down on the floor on my stomach and feel my heart rate and I'm like, okay, so my heart rate's going up. This just takes some deep breath and feel and imagine going inside my body. Imagine mentally, and my heart rate's coming down and I'm breathing and everything's fine, I am healthy, and miraculously it would go down. And then just a few minutes later, I would be fine. And then I'd redirect my thoughts and I'd go off and go do something else and I wouldn't be calling 911. I didn't go up to the hospital anymore. I started controlling the anxiety.

Speaker 1:

Some of the worst ones was when I was driving, though. I would drive, I would start thinking about things and then, all of a sudden, I'd start having where I couldn't. I'd feel like my chest got heavy and I couldn't breathe. And then when that happens, then your heart rate's just going up and you start freaking out. So I'd pull over and this is funny, but I would literally pull over at a gas station. I would go and see if I could get into their cool like into one of their freezers or something or open up one of their soda, where you get the soda doors, and I would just stick my head in there and just take in the cold air. Because I figured out that if you put myself in cold air that it would stop it. And so then I started turning my air conditioner up really high in my car and stuff like that and that would stop the panic attacks and I was like, okay, so if I can figure out how to stop it, then I can figure out how to change my mind so it doesn't start in the first place. And now, like I have victory over it, now I don't even have them anymore, because the moment that I might because it starts with your thoughts At my first episode on this podcast if you guys listen to it, you'll hear what I talk about when it happens it starts with your thoughts and now if I get a thought through my head that's a negative thought.

Speaker 1:

I change it quickly Because I don't want to think about those things. And let me tell you what. Your brain is the most uncontrolled thing in the world. It's the most uncontrolled thing in the world. You have absolute power over yourself. And so when my brain would start thinking of something just like ugly, something like I would never think about in the way, and it just creeps itself in my subconscious, then I would start going okay, wait a minute, let's just stop thinking like that. Let's redirect it, let's change your thought to something positive. What's positive in my life? Okay, I'm breathing right now. That's positive. All right, so I am able to walk that's positive. I have my arms and my legs that's positive. I can, you know, I have a really awesome puppy at home. That's positive. I have family that's positive.

Speaker 1:

Like you start thinking of the positive things, start being, start saying affirmations over yourself, start thinking about the things that you have, and then you can't have two thoughts at the same time, so those negative thoughts instantly disappear. And then now you're thinking about these positive things and then all of a sudden, before you know it, the anxiety and the panic attacks disappear. You don't have them anymore and then you can go on with your life. And let me tell you what, when it first happened for me, when I started to learn how to control that, I was like wow, wow, that just happened and I'm not dealing with it right now because I changed it, like I literally found power within myself. It was amazing. Namely, I'm sure you've had moments like that where you've had experiences, where you've learned how to control it through your thoughts, correct.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and you mentioned three really important things. The first one is thoughts. We have 60 to 80,000 thoughts a day. We're not even aware of how many thoughts we have and the thing is that, since we're not aware, we don't control them. The hardest thing for me to get to was for me to become the observer of my thoughts, and that's what we really need to do Get to a point where we become the observer of our thoughts, because once you can observe them, you can control them. Yes, and self-regulation. What you said is so important. And you mentioned the ice thing. I don't know if you've heard of Wolfman Haas, the man who does the ice baths. He goes off walking in the middle of the snow barefoot.

Speaker 1:

I have not heard of him, but I have seen people doing that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so, iceman, look at the Iceman. And so there's something really interesting about cold. When we plunge into cold, it literally stops and it literally regulates our nervous system. And it's really interesting that you said that, because I feel like we have all the tools that we need inside of us if we just listen to that little voice, right, that intuition, because look how you naturally because I naturally started doing these things and didn't realize it like looking for the cold, because your body is trying to help you, we just have drowned it down because we have two voices. So we have our intuition and we have the critic. And what happens is that critic becomes louder because we get so used to listening to the people out there telling us what to do. Yes, that our inner voice, oh true, and it starts. It gets to a point where it's talking to us like this you shouldn't say that. And we're like but yet that critic is like oh, you suck, and you can't do that. And what were you thinking? And here's what I mean.

Speaker 2:

And so that voice is really, really loud, and so that other voice, which is the one that's designed to help us, becomes almost silent for us, right? But if we would listen to it, then it would completely change, and by controlling your thoughts. This is why I love working with you, because I want to help them start doing that at an early age, because if we started to learn how to self-regulate ourselves, then you know what the pharmaceutical companies would be out of business.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay and we wouldn't have all the chaos we had to now think about it. If everyone in the world practices personal development and self-regulation, do you think the world would be as mad as it would be today? No, because it starts with us. We all think, oh, I want world peace, I want this family. We're going crazy, we're fighting at home, we're fighting with our families. We can't regulate ourselves, we're addicted to either our phones to all go out to the end and then we're like, no, but we want the world to change. And it doesn't work that way. It starts individually, and this is again why I feel so strongly about this group thing mentality which is being propagated right now, today, because it's especially designed so that the individual dies and we become this, say, group thing mentality. And this is why I love podcasts like this, because we have to fight for individuality and for personal growth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you had a little bit. You broke up just a little bit there, but at your back again. So we're good, we got all of that. So that's awesome, right? So I was just saying that so many listeners heard that it's not yours listeners, it was Naomi's, but she's good, she's back with us, we're good, and I may have some internet issues too, so we're going to power through this. So you know, what I was sitting here thinking is, like you're saying, we definitely have to go within ourselves and it starts with us. It starts with a change within ourselves.

Speaker 1:

There's a couple books that I've read. So there was this book called the power of subconscious mind and that book was sitting in my, my Kindle because I use the Kindle paperwhite to read my books and it was sitting in my Kindle and for years and years and years, and I never read it. And when I'm saying years, like it had been in my book for in my reaches for at least 20 something years, and I don't know why I never read it, I don't know why I it just I just never did until I think what happened and this is just my own personal opinion. I think what happened is I did not read it until my body and my mind was ready for it. So about a couple months ago, I had went ahead and put it on my audible, so I listened to the book instead of reading it, this time while I was driving on a long trip, because I like to listen to audio books while driving. And so the power of subconscious mind is written by Joseph Murphy, and I was listening to it and it was like, oh my gosh, everything that he's saying in this book or in this audio is what I had figured out on my own, but he's reinforcing those thoughts. He's reinforcing why the subconscious mind is so important to pay attention to, why your thoughts matter, and I was like that book was so powerful and I it's one of those ones that you definitely, if you do audio or you listen, you read it, you definitely want to listen to it over and over and over again. I will have the link to this book in this podcast as well as in the YouTube channel.

Speaker 1:

But there's also you mentioned something, naomi, about people who do crazy things over and over again because of the world. And there's another book called Love and Respect, and it's actually a relationship book, and even though anybody who's single, married in a relationship or wanting to be in a relationship should probably read this book. But the very beginning of the Love and Respect, it talks about the crazy cycle and it talks about the things that we go over and we do over and over and over again and we don't know how to get out of that crazy cycle. And then it goes in and it talks about how to get out of that crazy cycle and how to actually be more conscious about yourself but also to respect the other person, and that they need to learn that as well. And that book is very powerful.

Speaker 1:

They have a podcast. They have many episodes on their podcast and the first part of their podcast talks about the crazy cycle and the book in general, and then the and it goes on the rest of the podcast talking about relationships and family and stuff, and it's a really great podcast. I'll share it with you guys as well in that link. But and I'm not affiliated with any of these, any of these book writers or anybody like that I am affiliated with Amazon, so the Amazon links will be an affiliate link. It's like very minute. It's just a place for you guys to be able to find what I'm looking for, and so you have direction to the right ones. Naomi, you have a podcast yourself. What is the name of your podcast? Guitar lang scene.

Speaker 2:

The podcast is Teen Rockstar Entrepreneur yeah, teen Rockstar Entrepreneur. You know why? Because I feel that entrepreneurs are the rock stars of the future.

Speaker 2:

If you think of today, it's very hard to have job security.

Speaker 2:

I started realizing when it came to young people in college and realizing that 70% of young people really can't find a job in their career choice and there isn't really job security.

Speaker 2:

And so I started thinking entrepreneurship in itself, even if a young person doesn't become an entrepreneur, but you learn so many valuable skills through entrepreneurship because it teaches you all the skills that we talk about Resilience, mindset, pushing past your fears, learning about what your standards, your values are. You mentioned a lot of stuff that was very important when it came to the sex ed classes and what kids are going through today. I feel that a lot that happens is that we all have core beliefs, we all have values, but if no one teaches us how to figure out what our values are, what our standards are, what our passions are, then we go through life lost, and I feel that when you become or when you study entrepreneurship, when you go on your own, you have no other choice but to study these things and study yourself, because how else are you going to learn or do or teach or create something if you don't know or haven't learned about yourself?

Speaker 2:

And I feel like that is the most important thing today for us to learn about ourselves. And when it comes to the subconscious, what you were saying, that book is super important, because what people don't realize is that we spent only 5% of our day working out of our prefrontal cortex. 95% of our day, we do it through our subconscious. So we are like a robot. Pretty much of our day we're running patterns, we're subconscious and this is why, whenever something happens that triggers us, we go right back to a subconscious state and usually it goes back to childhood.

Speaker 2:

This is why, when we get into an argument or something very stressful happens, guess who's behind the wheel? The person that's behind the wheel is that child who experienced a trouble similar to this. Even if what happened to you was a 10% of what happened to you in your childhood, we go back to that person. If we didn't address that issue right, if we didn't address it, we go back to that state and that person is behind the wheel. And this is why we wonder, okay, well, that didn't go well, why did I do that? I can't believe I said that. I can't believe I did that and it's because we're not in control.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Very, very true.

Speaker 2:

And all of that is very interesting, and this is why we need to study about ourselves. This is why we need to learn about our mindset, about what our thoughts are right, about what our values are, because if we don't, we will be victims of our programming.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and we do not want to be victims, that's for sure. I think about so. When we're a child, we learn how to ride a bike right, and as we get older, we still know how to ride that bike. Well, how is that? Because subconsciously we already know that when we get on a bike, our feet go on the pedals and then, subconsciously, we just know how to ride a bike, keep ourselves balanced to be able to push those pedals so we can go faster, we can go slower, and we do it without even thinking. And there's so many things in your life that you learn how to do, like when you're a baby, you have to learn how to walk right. Once you learn how to walk, you do it without thinking. There's so many things that we do that we don't even think about that we're doing them. How many times I I? Okay, I'm going to do a classic example, and this is kind of funny those of you that are listening, you're not watching the video. I'm going to tell you what I'm doing.

Speaker 1:

So as a child, I used to grab a piece of hair and I would literally start twirling my hair, and I wouldn't. I would do it without even thinking, and my mom always knew that when I would twirl my hair, it was meant that I was tired and meant that I started to get sleepy. I still, to this day, at 44 years old, will catch myself twirling my hair. I will sit there and twirl my hair for like several minutes before I even realize that I'm doing it, and it's my subconscious mind saying that I'm tired and that's a relaxing mode, something that relaxes me, and my body automatically goes to twirling my hair subconsciously. And, and there's the things that until you, it's almost like you have to wake up and go. Oh wait, I'm twirling my hair. Let me stop that for a second. Or maybe I want to keep twirling my hair because it feels good, but still the thing is that I do it without even thinking. And and then I realized that I'm doing it. And so when we're aware of those thoughts and we take control of them, then that's when you start realizing yourself, your inner being, because when you start recognizing those subconscious thoughts or those subconscious things that you do, and you start redirecting yourself into a more positive direction, then that's when you know that you've now started to have victory over your body, over your mind, over your thoughts, over your health. This works with your health as well, your spiritual being, your.

Speaker 1:

I've been taught that and I just recently was taught this. It's not something I was taught as a young child, but recently, and it's just through studies and things Naomi and I were talking about. You are the subtotal of the five people that you hang around the most. So if the five people that you hang around the most if they are, you know, they work at McDonald's, they sleep on their couch all day and their couch potatoes and they eat a lot of stuff, then you're going to do the same thing and if you're around someone who's complaining, who is negative, who is lazy, who is not motivated, who maybe is addicted to video games, or so naturally you are going to navigate towards that, because it's natural.

Speaker 2:

What people don't understand is that this is a suit. But we are spiritual beings, like you mentioned before, and our soul is in this body, just like our body is in this clothes. This clothes is just covering our body, just like our body is covering our spirit. And what is spirit? It's a frequency, yes, and different frequencies can't be opposing each other all the time. So if you are a very happy person and you are married to someone who's a downer, who's negative, who drinks, who criticize a lot, your guys are going to be battling. Someone has to win. Yes, someone in the household is gonna win.

Speaker 2:

Either this person is Going to meet you where you are and raise their frequency, or you are going to go down and meet them where they are, and that is so true.

Speaker 2:

So this is why I always tell young people you are the some of the five people you are and don't think that when you are starting, it's better to put yourself in a situation where people are going to uplift you, because if you don't have this master, what's gonna happen is it's much easier. Okay, let's be real. If your husband's sitting all day watching TV and your home cleaning, you're doing work, you're sitting there and you're writing and you're journaling, you're doing all this, what do you think it's easier? For you? To join him and watch a movie and that over him to say you know what I mean, I'm gonna get up and clean and do this and do no, it's gonna be easier for you to meet him right, and this is what people don't realize, because it all has to do with Frequency. So it is very important, especially in the beginning, when we're starting this journey of self awareness and trying to change Our patterns to better habits. Who we associate with or who we are with most of the time is going to affect our personal state.

Speaker 1:

You are a hundred percent right.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about the other actions. So if you want to be an entrepreneur, if you want to own your own business one day, if you want to be much more Energetic, if you want to be able to do more things in life like, let's say, you want to be a quilter or you want to be in a Book club or you want to, you want to be a podcaster You're gonna want to go find those people that already have the life that you have and get around them. What do they do? What kind of groups do they attend? How do they? How do they get better?

Speaker 1:

One of the things that I used to want to do is learn how to be, learn how to be a speech, do speech, talk better. I'm still working on it, obviously, but I started to seek out those programs or those groups that actually teach that and get around that, and those are some of the things that you can do. You can get around those that are entrepreneurs. So I was with a group of people for about three years so it's like mentors is what I called them and every one of them had the same mindset they all wanted to be entrepreneurs, they all wanted to be able to better their lives better, their marriages, better their groups, and that changed my life and changed the way I thought.

Speaker 1:

It changed the way that I acted. It made me stronger, I. And here's the other thing, and I'm gonna I'm just gonna warn you guys this you're gonna have friends that were friends of yours for 30 something years or longer, and You're gonna have friends that you used to go hang out at the bars with or that you always had fun with, or maybe you went to your house and just chilled out with, and they're your bros, they're your buddies, they're your friends, they're your best friends. But when you start changing to the positive and you start becoming like an entrepreneur and an entrepreneur mindset, or you start to Do go a positive direction, and they don't be surprised that you start losing connection with them.

Speaker 1:

Don't be surprised that when you get into a conversation with them, you literally have nothing to talk about. Don't be surprised that it can go months, years that you never talked to them again. It's not that you don't love them. It's not that they don't love you. It's not that they're not your friends anymore. It's just that you've moved on with your life and they stayed stagnant. You have changed your surroundings and they have not, and you can try as much as you want to get them to come up to your level, but unless they're ready to do it themselves, it's not gonna happen. Don't focus on them. Stay focused on yourself. That's very important, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I've actually lost family members. I, my favorite cousin, I'm 52 years old. We have this was kind of a daughter and For this same reason we completely lost not just a relationship but the friendship that we had. And what happens is when you try to better yourself, you become a bother to those people, because they want to. If they're not ready, we all have to be ready to change. If they're not ready, if they want to stay complaining, if they want to say making excuses for their life, if they want to say Blaming others for their misfortunes, if they don't want to accept responsibility for the changes they have to make, guess what? They're gonna be upset at you because you represent everything that they are fighting to keep. And that is something that we all have to be very strong. And this is why I say that going inward is so important, because sometimes we worry so much about other people. But my question is how much do you love yourself?

Speaker 2:

We have to love others but eventually we come into this world alone and we live alone, and this is not a criticism, because I love family and I've had a partner for 15 years. I love the Uh-oh it went away for a little bit, yeah yeah, it's just gross.

Speaker 2:

So this is not just a way that we are creatures that need belonging, but we forget that the most important thing is the relationship with ourselves. Yes, and that's what we need to fight for. That is the most important thing, and sometimes this is the big test. We are going to lose relationships with others In order to win that relationship with ourselves, and that's the number one relationship we should focus on. We should worry about being good with ourselves more than being good with others, yes, so I'm in it.

Speaker 1:

We're going to end this set because we're at our time, but this, we're going to end this as a positive note because we're right where we need to be. So, those that are listening, think about what it is you want out of life. You know if you're married, what do you want in your marriage? What do you want as a mother? What do you want as a husband? What do you want to be as an employer or as an owner of a business Like? Where do you see yourself?

Speaker 1:

Think about those aspects. If you have to get a piece of paper, write it down. If you have to sit in a shower for hours and think about what it is that you want, think about it. Then get yourselves around those that have or have already done that aspect. So, if you want a good marriage, get around a group of people that have good marriages. Don't allow other people into your marriage. That's a big one, because it's so important to comprehend that your life is your life and nobody else controls your life. And if you want something better, you're in control of getting to that better and you need to make those changes within yourselves. It could be your thoughts, it could be changes in your words. It could be changes in your actions. It can be changes in just simply getting up every day and making a routine making your bed. Make your bed every day.

Speaker 1:

It could be cleaning your surroundings. It could be as simple as if. You need to lose weight. Get up and just go outside and take a small walk.

Speaker 1:

I'm not asking you to jog down the road, I'm asking you to every day for five minutes, get outside and just go, walk down to the end of your driveway, turn around, walk back to your house and then the next week go a little bit further. And then go a little bit further because before you know it, subconsciously your body's going to get up every day and get out there and go for that walk. So make that positive aspect, Take that day, take today to decide what it is that you want and you make one step to that area that you want closer. It could be a small step, but it starts with something small. It'll build itself big. The biggest key is staying consistent, being persistent and don't stop. Don't ever give up on yourself Ever ever, ever, Amy the last words you need to say.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what you said was great, maybe step. So you gave the example of fitness, even if it's the night before, putting your exercise clothes and your sneakers there and just starting like that. That's what matters Taking consistency. And another thing when I started this journey in the beginning, I did not have the funds to maybe join a mastermind, or I didn't have the ability to find the people that I wanted to hang out with. But thanks to social media, now you could find your friends online. So listen to books, find your favorite speakers, make sure that you listen to them every day, make them your friends Right, start hanging out with them socially, like at the beginning, that's what I did. I would listen to Joe dispenser, I would listen to Tony Robbins. These people became my friends in the beginning. These are the people that I listened to the most in the beginning.

Speaker 2:

And then another thing that I will say is writing things down. That changed my life completely. If we would all sit down and write our thoughts and write what we want for 15 minutes a day, you will see your life drastically change in 30 days, because this is how you start developing that self awareness and your subconscious starts becoming conscious to you. So those are the little tips that I would give you right now. There's so many that we could have that we can talk with and sit here and talk forever, but I think that those are really important.

Speaker 2:

Find a way to make what you want happen happen and start with baby steps and start writing. I really feel that writing is a miracle, and not only that. It does two things, because, talking about something you're doing, you're using one mode, one mode of communication, but when you're writing it down, you're actually giving your brain two processes, because you're not only saying it, but now your brain is thinking it and it's actually reading it, so it's maintaining it twice as fast. So that's why I always say right, right, right. It's so important.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I wrote so. I had really low self esteem and really low self worth because of a relationship I was in for eight years. It broke me down and I had to build that back up and one of the things that I did was I got a small little book and I started writing affirmations in that book and I had like several pages of affirmations you are strong, you're a great mother, you're beautiful, you can do anything. You put your mind to all of these affirmations and every single day I sat down and read these to myself every single day until I started believing them.

Speaker 2:

And so the writing Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say. What you said is magical because it's so true at the beginning. I don't know if you've heard the fake it till you make it. At the beginning, changing these patterns doesn't feel natural because you're like I feel like I can't, I feel like I'm not good enough, but it takes a while for the brain to process it. But if you sit there and keep on writing it down, believe me, I am or the two most powerful words in the world, and if you continuously start writing something positive after I am, you will become whatever it is you attach after those words.

Speaker 1:

Yes, absolutely, absolutely. So you guys go ahead and write down your affirmations, write down those positive things, write down the things that you want, leave comments of your what you've done. If you want to join us on our website, go and look up healthy mindset miracles on Facebook. We also have a website coming out. If you like this podcast, be sure to like, share and comment and also subscribe. We thank you so much for listening. Naomi, thank you so much for your time. I cannot wait to have you back on here with us. We have so much more to talk about. You are amazing. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. I super enjoyed the interview, as all our talks, and to everybody, I hope you guys enjoyed it and get a lot out of it as well, and, yes, I hope to be on here again. Yeah, absolutely.